Activate your deep core first, before you start each exercise.
Try doing these exercises daily.
1. Abdominal Plank
Place the forearms on an elevated surface.
With the elbows directly under the shoulders, prop yourself up on the elbows, keeping a neutral back and head aligned with the spine.
Hold the position for up to 1 minute.
2. Partial crunch
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
Tighten your stomach muscles and flatten your back against the floor. Tuck your chin to your chest.
With your hands stretched out in front of you, curl your upper body forward until your shoulders clear the floor. Don’t hold your breath. It helps to breathe out as you lift your shoulders up.
Lower back your head and shoulders.
Build up to 20 repetitions.
3. Reverse Crunch
Lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air and your feet together.
Push your feet up towards the ceiling and lift your buttocks off the ground.
Lower your buttocks.
Build up to doing 20 repetitions.
4. Wood chops
Stand in a lateral split stand.
Tie an elastic high up to one side of a door.
Hold the elastic tightly with both hands at shoulder level with your shoulders back and your weight on the leg closest to the door.
Transfer your weight to the other leg, rotate your trunk using your abdominals and upper back and pull the elastic towards the floor.
Slowly return to the initial position with control and repeat.
Build up to doing 20 repetitions.
5. Bow and arrow
Stand up with the extremities of a band in your hands. Your body should be turned sideways facing the band anchor point, with one foot and the same-side hand forward.
Pull the band with your back hand and push/reach forward with your front hand in a reciprocal movement.
Repeat up to 20 times each side.
* Please make sure all these exercises are easy to do and are pain free during and after. Stop doing them if you feel any discomfort.
At myPhysioSA we love setting our clients up with customised targeted strength and conditioning programs, either in our Fitness Studios or as home programs.
If you are not sure the above exercises are exactly what you need, then book to see one of our Physio’s and get your customised program on track now!
David Wilson
Partner Physiotherapist