Not sure if a Group Exercise Class is for you?
Here are 6 reasons why you will get results from an Exercise Class at myPhysioSA.
All of our group exercise programs here at myPhysioSA are supervised by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist. Supervision ensures that all exercises that you undertake are being completed correctly.
Completing an exercise without a real understanding of how or why it’s being carried out, can severely reduce its effects and add time onto fitness goals you might have set yourself.
It’s a satisfying feeling after doing your exercise class knowing that what you have just done, was a quality workout based around your own personal goals and you are now a step closer to achieving them!
2. Progression
Stagnation (not moving forward) in an exercise program is one of the biggest factors we see for people not achieving their health and fitness goals.
With our group exercise programs, we review our programs every few weeks.
This helps our clients continually move forward with their health and fitness goals, and also allows them to extend their personal goals beyond what they imagined.
3. Individuality
One thing we strive for here at myPhysioSA, is a different treatment plan for every patient we see.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ program here.
Every person in our supervised group classes has their own program based on their personal goals.
We help you to set these goals, and then prescribe the right exercises to help you achieve them.
4. Accountability
Consistency for exercise throughout the week is always a struggle.
Time is our worst enemy, and when push comes to shove, I guarantee exercise is the thing that gets pushed to the side to make way for ‘more important’ activities.
But what is more important than our health?
Coming into an exercise group gives you a scheduled appointment each week, meaning you will plan you schedule around this appointment, and having someone oversee your program keeps you accountable to them, and more importantly to yourself.
5. Social Aspect
Being in a group program with like minded people who are all there to do the same thing, improve their health and fitness, can really help motivate you to continue exercising towards your goals.
Making new friends means that a trip to the gym no longer becomes all about the exercise.
By talking, sharing and creating new friendships, you will help motivate, and be motivated by others.
6. Motivation
It’s the thing that stops us all from being super fit gym junkies with Arnold Schwarzenegger type physiques. Or so we may tell ourselves. But lack of motivation is the biggest thing to overcome, especially if exercise isn’t something you have completed much of in the past, or even for those that have been completing exercise but have found themselves not getting anywhere. By adding in all the points above this one, we are laying a foundation that will help reduce the chance that you will lose motivation, and with exercise, consistency is the aim of the game.
We are here to help you achieve your goals, be it from running your first marathon, to being able to walk a flight of stairs again or being fit enough to travel overseas again.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
See you in the gym!
Written by David Bentley, Senior Exercise Physiologist.