We are specially trained in spine treatment and rehabilitation.
Our team sees more patients with spinal issues than any physio is South Australia.
Our communication is excellent, so you will learn all about your spine, and your problem.
You will be empowered in knowing how to reduce any pain and return to what you want to be doing again.
Let’s work on getting you back to your old self.
myPhysioSA Spine, a collaboration with The International Spine Centre
‘An advanced physiotherapy & exercise physiology service for patients with spinal problems’
The International Spine Centre is a unique private, inter-disciplinary spinal treatment centre in Adelaide offering treatment across neurosurgery, medicine, movement and mind.
myPhysioSA Spine experts collaborate with all disciplines throughout the centre to ensure patients achieve the best possible outcomes.
Our Spine Physiotherapists have all completed specialised training with Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon Mr YH Yau, interventional radiologists, psychologists, pain specialists and other specialist physiotherapists from interstate and overseas.
How do myPhysioSA Spine Physiotherapists help?
Physiotherapists trained in spinal conditions are experts in the assessment and treatment of spinal movement.
Often patients with a spinal conditions have abnormal movement patterns that are significantly contributing to their pain.
Changing these movement patterns using a multi-disciplinary approach has been shown in recent research to be very effective in improving patient’s symptoms (O’Sullivan, 2005)
Full Assessment of your spine problem
Our Exercise Physiologist’s offer a ViMove spine assessment:
Vi Move by Dorsavi gives you real-time feedback that empowers you to manage your lower back and neck pain through accurate assessment of your posture and spinal movement.
Vi Move may allow you to move more effectively, reducing your reliance on pain medication and other interventions.
Vi Move by Dorsavi uses wireless sensor technology to record pain and measure movement, posture and muscle activity.
So essentially, we get a picture or ‘fingerprint’ of your activity and pain throughout the day allowing you to develop a tailored program to manage your back pain and monitor your progress.
Physiotherapist Assessment
See one of our Spine Physiotherapist’s with advanced training in helping people like you with their painful spinal problem.
Your low back pain or neck pain is unique to you. The cause, type and location of the pain is often unique to each individual.
This means there is no single “fix” for all low back pain. Usually, a thorough assessment of the factors involved is the key to getting a solution that works for you.
We listen, then discuss what you want to be able to get back to doing, assess your spine and then decide together what the best plan is to get you back on track fast.
Giving you a solution to your problem.
Physiotherapy Treatment
Our Spine trained Physiotherapist’s can also help give you a solution with our many treatment options and a targeted rehab program. Your Physiotherapist will work with you to get you back to enjoy moving again, with less pain.
In-house spine rehabilitation programs by our Exercise Physiologist
One of our Exercise Physiologist’s will design and show you through your targeted spine rehab program. At other gyms you may well get some young inexperienced gym instructor who knows nothing about rehab. Our on-site gyms are for our client’s use only and specifically designed for spinal rehabilitation.
What areas of the Spine do we help with?
This advanced specialised service will assess and treat patients with neck, thoracic and lumbar pain, radicular pain, radiculopathy, and pre and post surgical spine patients.
Where can I see a myPhysioSA Spinal Physiotherapist?
We encourage early referral and assessment of patients with spinal pain and will always communicate effectively with the patient’s referring GP to ensure the best outcome for patients.
We are pleased to offer specialised spinal services at all our locations in Mount Barker, Payneham and at The International Spine Centre in Norwood.
Why choose to see myPhysioSA Spine to help me?
We are specially trained in spine treatment and are all senior Physiotherapists with many years of experience. Our communication is excellent, so you will learn all about your spine, and your problem. You will be empowered in knowing how to improve your spine pain and will be able get back to your old self again, with our help.