Physiotherapy and sub-acromial injections for management of shoulder pain

    Can physiotherapy assist with sub-acromial injections for management of shoulder pain?   Shoulder pain can be debilitating and hamper your ability to continue your regular work, lifestyle and leisure activities, often it is difficult to shake.   Most frontline treatment guidelines discuss options of over the counter pain medications, physiotherapy or steroid injections…

sitting all day

How much sitting time each day is too much?

All about the Active Couch Potato     The term “active couch potato” may sound a little contradictory, but it is possible to be active and a couch potato at the same time! So if you are physically active, you could still be considered sedentary, putting you at risk of developing health problems. So what…

what causes headaches

What causes headaches and how can Physio help?

Headaches are a common condition that we deal with at myPhysioSA. There are many different causes of headaches which can broadly be broken up into 2 types, “musculo-skeletal” and “medical”. The ‘musculo-skeletal’ type,  we regularly see patients with and the more ‘medical’ type usually require an assessment and intervention from your doctor. Physiotherapists are skilled at identifying…

How much Screen Time is too Much?

How much Screen Time is too Much?

How much Screen Time is too Much? Pain from your posture? We live in an age where we find a television, mobile phone, computer, tablet or all of above in each room of the house, workplace or school. Information is right at our finger tips, interaction with others is so easy, and effectiveness of work…

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Why am I getting hip pain?

WHAT IS THIS PAIN ON THE SIDE OF MY HIP? WHY IS HIP PAIN STOPPING ME FROM EXERCISING?     Pain into the lateral hip can at times, literally, be a pain in the bum! So you think you are doing all the right things, going to the gym, swimming, running, cycling, etc. But you…